Membership Information
BBNA is challenging you to be recognized as a Healthcare leader not only within the profession, but also within those organizations that can help to improve the delivery of quality health care. It is our commitment to continue to serve as mentors for our future nurses.
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- Quarterly Newsletter
- Bi-Annual Refereed Journal
- Access to Online Career Center
- Discounted Conference Registration
- Networking Opportunities
- Leadership Development
- Published/Speaking Opportunities
- NBNA Day on Capitol Hill
Click one of the links below to download the application.
BBNA Membership Application (PDF Version)
BBNA Membership Application (MS Word Version)
Once you complete your application, you can make your payment online by clicking on “Buy Now” below.
- Promote ongoing continuing nursing education to support the standard of nursing practice
- Plan activities to support a scholarship fund for nursing students and a research fund for nursing practices
- Provide health education in the African American community
- Define and determine the health care needs for the African American community by acting as their advocates
- Conduct, analyze and publish research to increase the body of knowledge about health need of the African American community
- Recruit, counsel, and assist African American persons interested in nursing to ensure a constant procession of African American nurses into the field of nursing (mentorship program) and encourage nurses to obtain higher levels of education, at least a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree
- Be the vehicle for unification of African American nurses of varied age groups, educational levels and specialty areas to ensure continuity and support of our common interests
Application to join BBNA here. Upon completion upload in the box above.